1. 2021
    1. Manufactured and supplied dynamometers other than Green Power House Co.
  2. 2020
    1. Manufactured and supplied dynamometers for Doosan Infracore Co.
    2. Manufactured and supplied a large dynamometer for ship engines of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.
  3. 2019
    1. Manufactured and supplied a large dynamometer for gas turbines of Doosan Heavy Industries Co.
  4. 2018
    1. Company name changed to "DY GreenSS"
    2. Established "JS Tech" as a subsidiary
    3. Entered the business of DH Beam
  5. 2010
    1. Entered the business of DH Beam
    2. Yonghyun BM company registration and GMS main shaft development, mass production
    3. S&T Daewoo automobile shock bar development
  6. 2009
    1. Pyeongsan Main shaft development, mass production
    2. Certificated from GE Co.
  7. 2008
    1. Entered the business in the dynamometer sector
    2. Main Shaft development and mass production for wind power generation
    3. "GreenSS" company established


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